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50 years of amino acid hydrophobicity scales: revisiting the capacity for peptide classification Biol. Res.
Simm,Stefan; Einloft,Jens; Mirus,Oliver; Schleiff,Enrico.
BACKGROUND: Physicochemical properties are frequently analyzed to characterize protein-sequences of known and unknown function. Especially the hydrophobicity of amino acids is often used for structural prediction or for the detection of membrane associated or embedded β-sheets and α-helices. For this purpose many scales classifying amino acids according to their physicochemical properties have been defined over the past decades. In parallel, several hydrophobicity parameters have been defined for calculation of peptide properties. We analyzed the performance of separating sequence pools using 98 hydrophobicity scales and five different hydrophobicity parameters, namely the overall hydrophobicity, the hydrophobic moment for detection of...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hydrophobicity scale; Transmembrane sheets; Transmembrane helix; Beta-sheet; Amino acid pattern; Alternate hydrophobicity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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